
Ohio Issue 1 - Redistricting

Vote No!

Issue 1 – Redistricting Initiative

  • Yes Vote – will stop elected officials from drawing district lines and appoint a 15-member citizen commission.  5 democrats, 5 republicans, and 5 independents.  
    • 4 retired judges, 2 democrats and 2 republicans will pick the 15 citizens commissioners.
    • The 4 judges will be selected by the Ohio Ballot Board.
    • Citizens would apply to be placed on commission.
    • The 4 judges, with the “aid of a search firm” would identify 45 finalists.
    • The 4 judges would then select 6 people from a “random selection from the 45 finalists.
    • Those final 6 chosen, would then choose the other 9 commissioners form the pool of 45 (now 39) finalists
    • These 15 would draw maps to make Ohio “more balanced.”
    • Maps must be approved by 9 members, to include 2 from democrat party and 2 from republican party.  If they cannot agree, commission members rank each map from their favorite to their least favorite.  The least favorite maps would be eliminated until one final map remains.
  • No Vote – opposes this, and therefore maintains the Ohio process currently in place.
  • Oppose – Vote No